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Lake Albert
Lake Edward
Lake Kivu
Lake Malawi Niassa Nyasa
Lake Tanganyika
Lake Turkana
Lake Victoria
Balancing Conservation and Development
Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation
Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity Benefits
Governance and Financing
Population Dynamics, Health and the Environment
Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
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Brad Czerniak
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Contributed Content
Disney Conservation Fund
Nile Perch Fisheries Management Plan for Lake Victoria 2015 - 2019
WWF Conservation Workshop Grants
Community Water Initiative
National Geographic Grants Programs
Two Decades of Satellite-based Water Quality Measurements of Lake Victoria
African Union Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Award
Lake Level Fluctuations, Ecological Attributes and Fish Productivity in African Lakes and Reservoirs
The Challenges of Oil Exploitation in African Great Lakes Region
Fish and Fisheries in the Lake Malawi: An Assessment of Four Decades of Management Interventions
Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM)
Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH)'s Population, Health and Environment (PHE) Program
NEPAD Food and Nutrition Security Programme
UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative
Bird Life Africa Partnership
Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization
The Past Is a Key to the Future: Lessons Paleoecological Data from Lake Tanganyika Can Provide for Future Planning
Habitat Restoration Initiative (HARI) for Eastern Africa
Strategic Action Programme for the Protetction of Biodiversity and Sustainable Natural Resources Management of Lake Tanganyika and Its Basin
Dynamics of Fish Stocks and Commercial Fisheries in Lake Victoria, East Africa: Implications for Management
Prognosis for Long-term Sustainable Fisheries in the African Great Lakes
WWF Professional Development Grant
Community-Based Resilience Analysis (CoBRA)
NatureUganda Bird Population Monitoring Scheme
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Critically Endangered Animals Conservation Fund
Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS)
Lake Tanganyika Authority
The Economics of Land Degradation in Africa
French Water Basin Agency, Integrated Management of Water Resources
Rufford Small Grants
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
NEPAD Rural Futures Programme
What Is Population, Health, and the Environment and Why Is It Relevant for the Africa Great Lakes Region?
Building a Resilient Future Through Water-Connecting the 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement
MacArthur Foundation Great Lakes Region-Wide Conservation and Sustainable Development (CSD) Initiative
Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-Based Assessment (TESSA)
Hydrological Impacts of Ethiopias Omo Basins Development on Kenyas Lake Turkana
Sustainable Finance Mechanisms for Basin Governance in IRWM
Economics of Land Degradation (ELD) Initiative
Regional Framework on Environmental Management for Sustainable Aquaculture Development in Africa - Eastern Africa and the Great Lakes Region
Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP)
NatureUganda Important Bird Areas and Monitoring Programme
Uganda National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA) Implementation Strategy - Climate Change
Animal Resource Production Systems and Ecosystem Management Programme
Lake Tanganyika Regional Integrated Management Programme (LTRIMP)
The Geographical and Genomic Structure of Endemic Fish Diversity in the Lake Victoria Basin
From Fishing Rights to Human Rights in the Lives and Livelihoods of Women Fishers in the Great Lakes Region
SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund
Crowder-Messersmith Conservation Fund
Niger Basin Authority
Whitley Fund for Nature
Cage Culture in Lake Victoria: A Saviour or a Disaster in Waiting?
Monitoring Climate Change and Anthropic Pressure at Lake Tanganyika
Tourism Development and Conservation Nexus along Lake Victoria Shores in Uganda: A Sustainable Tourism Planning Approach
Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported Fishing on Africas Great Lakes
Sustainable Use of Critical Wetlands in the Lake Victoria Basin: Actions for Nature and People
Economics of Land Degradation: Decision Making Framework
Regional Policy Coordination and Alignment in the Lake Victoria Basin
Conservation Leadership Programme Grants
NEPAD Climate Change Fund
Uganda Wetlands Atlas
AU-IBAR Strategic Plan 2014-2017
Lake Victoria Basin Commission
The Importance of Monitoring the Great Lakes to Assess any Change in the Extent of Water-Related Ecosystems Over Time (Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 6.6.1)
Global Alliance for Water and Climate Incubation Platform
Development of Best Practices for Cage Fish Farming to Increase Fish Production
Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)
Wildlife Conservation Co-Existence with Oil and Gas Mining: A Case Study From Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda
Climate Finance in the African Great Lakes: A Review of the Multilateral Climate Funds
Mount Elgon Regional Ecosystem Conservation Programme (MERECP)
Tropical Biology Association Small Grants Scheme
A Framework to Incorporate Environmental and Climate Change in Development Planning to Maximise the Potential of the Demographic Dividend in the African Great Lakes (AGL) Region
Impacts of Climate Change on the Water Balance in Lake Victoria
TerrAfrica Partnership - New Partnership for Africa's Development
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Resolution of the African Great Lakes Conference, 2017
Conservation Strategy for the Great Lakes Region of East and Central Africa
NEPAD Fish Governance and Trade
UNDP GEF Small Grants Program
Balancing Conservation and Development: Lake Malawi/Nyasa/Niassa
Lake Victoria Catchment Environment Education Programme (LVCEEP)
The Nexus of Dam Construction, Oil Exploration, and Resource Use Conflicts: Vulnerability of Fishing Communities in Lake Turkana, Kenya
Global Initiative for West, Central and Southern Africa (GI WACAF Project)
Status of Two Native Lake Victoria Tilapiine Species: Oreochromis esculentus and O. variabilis (Graham 1929) in Satellite Lakes, Tanzania
Improving Food Security on the Bibara, Rabiro, Mubaragaza and Nkubara Hills
Gender, Climate Change and Agriculture Support Project
Nursing and Midwifery Education
Earth System Model Predictions of Climate and Environmental Changes in Great Lakes Watersheds to the Year 2100
Local Empowerment Programme for Africa - Internship
Can Fisheries Management in the Great Lakes of Africa Contribute to Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
Integrated Management of Bururi Forest Nature Reserve
HoPE-LVB Model Households: Serving as Role Models and Teachers in Their Communities
The Silent Coup on African Great Lakes as Small Pelagic Species Take Over Fisheries
Enhancing Climate Change Resilience in Great Lakes Region Watersheds: the Lake Kivu Catchment and Rusizi River (CRAG)
Musambwa Island Conservation Project
Community Based Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation for Yala Wetland, Kenya
Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Project (LVWATSAN)
Improving Livelihoods and Biodiversity Conservation in Farm Forestry Landscapes
GIS climate change, resilient altitudinal gradient mapping and modeling (Kenya)
Scenarios to Improve Ecological Service Delivery and Conservation Values in the Northern Nyasa Basin
Eco-cultural Village Approach for Yala Wetland Conservation and Improved Livelihoods
Mahale Mountains National Park as a Model for Conserving Aquatic Habitats and Biodiversity
Capacity Building for Environmental Civil Society Project
Integrating Livelihoods and Conservation People Partner with Nature for Sustainable Living
How to Achieve Sustained Change to Restore the Lake Victoria Ecosystem: From Water Hyacinths to Biofuels in Kisumu, Kenya
Fish Migrations and Fishery Resources in the Ishasha River- Lake Edward Water System in Virunga (ViNP) and Queen Elizabeth National Parks (QENP)
Nabajjuzi Wetland Ecotourism Development Project
Community Rehabilitation of Wetlands in Lake Victoria
Lakes Edward and Albert Fisheries and Water Resources Management Project (LEAF)
Biodiversity Monitoring, Environmental Awareness Campaign and Community Empowerment on Income Generating Activities at Malagarasi Wetlands, Tanzania
Increasing Resiliency in Mutumba Commune
Health of People and Environment in Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB)
Sustainable Use of Critical Wetlands in the Lake Victoria Basin: Actions for Nature and People
Ecological Risks of Net Pen Aquaculture in North American and African Great Lakes: Can BMPs Be Shared?
Malagarazi Wetlands Community-Based Conservation
Challenges and Benefits to Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Rapidly Expanding Cage Aquaculture in Lake Victoria
IW Learn Lakes Twinning Project
Hydrological Impacts of Ethiopia's Omo Basin's Development on Kenya's Lake Turkana
Fishing with Impunity: Failure of Beach Management Units in Lake Victoria, Kenya
Nakasongola District Climate Change Pilot Project
Balancing Conservation and Development: Lake Malawi/Nyasa/Niassa
Conservation Education Outreach Program with Community Self-help Component in Kisumu, Kenya -- Using Existing Framework of Otter Clubs and Hippo Focus Groups
Linkages Between Climate Variability and Change and Migration, Public and Reproductive Health in Lake Chilwa Basin in Southern Malawi
Building Capacity for Influencing Policy in Africa
Integrated Action for Conservation of Dunga Kajulu Ecosystems through Enterprise Development
Health of People and Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) Baseline Study
The Nexus Between Climate Change and Reproductive Health Decisions and Choices: Some Preliminary Insights from Youth in Southern Malawi
Efforts to Enhance Climate Change Resilience in the Lake Kivu and Rusizi River Basins
Mara River Basin Management Project
Climate Change Resilience in the Fishing Communities along Lake Malawi
Kagera River Basin Management Project
Improving Food Security of the Batwa Community in the Mubaragaza through the Raising of Goats
Food Security, Co-management and the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
NatureUganda Annual Waterfowl Counts
Cross Border Governance of Natural Resources for Lake Tanganyika
Local Community Involvement in the Management and Conservation of Luzira Wetland
Building Support for the Integrated Population, Health and Environment Approach
Integrated Approach to Managing Fisheries for Livelihood and Biodiversity Conservation in Southern Lake Malawi
HoPE-LVB Energy Efficient Stoves
The Power of PHE Integration in Wetland Rehabilitation: The Case of Integrated Wetland-Watershed Management in Ethiopia
Empowering Local Champions for Africa's Great Lakes
Multisectoral Integration and SDGs Implementation: Lessons from PHE Programming
Climate Change, Agriculture and Sustainability of the East African Great Lakes
Lake Victoria Maritime Communications, Search and Rescue Network